Back stab type dagger gun thieves Description 1 stealth is not just to be a life-saving Backstab Stealth just to backstab, why elements of the shadow art points to a high of 25 ..?? Even stealth in order to point out the theft, simply points to 20 Will the 25 points is the purpose? If the order might In the case of each layer of 1% attack power, 10 layers 5 times stealth (or 15 seconds of continuous stealth) In addition to the shadow refuge, only the consumption of a large number of action points kept stealth 5:00 but in exchange for Acrobatics, just roll once, immediately, 10% damage, while tumbling in combat often spend The same increase in injuries, 10% easier than might, Permanent And Speaking of stealth affect teammates survival because The stealth you lock just points to other teammates Instead stealth stealth rescue or not to single out the problem
2 when it comes to PVE, PVP, WVW In fact, I have not seen a build really completely universal I have to play with the same distribution point WVW and agricultural COF, but will modify some features to cope with the immediate needs of Instead WVW inside, established a set of operations Go in exchange for not accustomed to even more dangerous (especially running roaming) As for your build, you said 3 party shared, you name it, anyway PVE what build I think does not matter
3 guild wars 2 gold weapon of choice The first thing you want is a multi-stealth and backstab Double dagger more the provincial action points, there Sunder Is only a limited number of stealth dagger gun Frankly round of fighting The the landlord very greedy want dagger gun chase off strokes, but the several stealth and backstab So a lot of back initiative features to complement the active value less than PVE's perspective, back to active again fast not faster than has been Backstab consumption values Playing king off strokes almost invalid Speaking Zhuidi capacity to the PVP / WVW point of view, Dagger gun as long as the other flash out on the chase is not in the past The same 900-yard dagger, although it has also flash, but hit a moving speed -50%, it is difficult to chase you ...? Off trick ... This is one of the priorities of the gun deputies, but ... you successfully broken Guoji Zhao ...?? In addition to the main hand sword, sword main hand, if you say a life-saving technology is not good ... You have not seen the terrible sword attack and shadow return .... And ... dagger life-saving technology ... how good =. =??
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