Guild Wars 2: new patch monster drop rate will be adjusted
Parameters detailed report about booty, we spend more time to investigate our reward procedure.
I am over in a couple weeks the impression of the list of all falling objects in the system there is no issue. Although then we continue to receive the the players return pointed out the treasure process seems to be a issue, so we expanded the scope of the investigation to all of the trophy to the player's method will provide. We then verified that a standard problem for all players return encounter
Conditions distinct conditions and the determination of whether it is worthwhile to get the quest or kill reward process determines that you kill an enemy you kill an enemy, whether it is worthwhile to get the booty.
These are unintentionally set limit, so you might kill a full-blood creatures, get the value of experience or karma like other reward nevertheless can not get the trophy. (The return most nearly always mentioned biological) over the Golden Circle
In subsequent February Flame & Frost: the Gathering Storm update, we will fix the above issues to make certain that Guild wars 2 gold players can get their kill reward. This ought to boost the kill the Golden Circle BOSS reward and booty.
After the update, the enemy will more than all of the gold ring has lost at least one blue items, all copper ring strange there will be more than the the white strange high probability of loot.
Please note that
After the update nonetheless have the opportunity to reach reward conditions booty (which is the only factor you did not kill the enemy in Phnom Penh more than booty), but the copper side to blame the drop rate just higher than the standard monster. not guarantee there falling objects, so it can not afford any booty.
Lost treasure on this concern, we will also be updated in distinct regions of the swap and treasure to make a few return better. On this point, we will be defined in detail in the February update notice.
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