Monday, June 3, 2013

Hardcore mode discussion: single attacks which could be fatal

Hardcore mode discussion: single attacks which could be fatal

We all know the force armor of magician, while energy armor is active, incoming attacks that would deal more than 35% of your maximum life are reduced to deal 35% of your maximum life instead, which is commonly known as the three blades armor.
It allows you to use less health holds up a larger damage. In some cases, this is a very cost-effective and opportunistic skills. However, if a single hurt is more than your total EHP, then the decrease injury effect won’t trigger, characters determine to the death directly.
Those monsters with super single attack damage players familiar with, how many EHP do we need to deal with, I think this is more than what magician concern, also has reference significance for other professions.
In addition to the gold damage, it is difficult to pin down. To the other monsters, single damage of the original damage in MP1 up to about 260 000. But because of the existence of damage floating, in MP1, we need at least 300 000 dodge EHP, only so can ensure the minimum survival. If you can guarantee from explosive and iron hammer monster attacks, then 200 000 dodge EHP can meet minimum survival.
2. Every time players improve a MP degree, accordingly to the requirement of EHP increased by 14%.
3. The attack of the Smurfs hold the same line of the white monsters.
4. The gold attack damage is higher than the white, blue, but presents the obvious instability, the concrete mechanism is unknown, diablo3goldtaker profeesional players will take it into consideration and do more in-depth research.
5. The fireball left by the fire dissolving elite, and A4 gigantic fist lords, we will do further testing. But from experience, it should not be more than explosive crazy and hammer blame the 260 000 damage, so the conclusion on the first.
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